Every issue of Numismatic News brings you vital information about coin collecting. From the latest industry news to fascinating facts about rare and valuable coins, the industry's No. 1 coin publication helps you stay current. Features reports on market trends, prices and presents practical advice from experts in the field.
Be Wary of ‘Pretenders’
Numismatic News
What should coin show organizers do to make events more secure for dealers and attendees? • Here are some answers sent from our e-newsletter readers. Read more responses at www.numismaticnews.com.
The Basics of Coin Investing
Silver Inventories Plummet at LBMA, COMEX
1952-2022 70 Years
70 Years in the Making
Numismatic News® BY THE NUMBERS
A Walk Down Memory Lane
70 Years of the ‘News’ a Publishing Feat • Clifford Mishler joined Krause Publications and Numismatic News in 1963, serving the role of associate editor, then editor, then publisher for all numismatic publications. He was named executive vice president in 1988 and president in 1991. Along with Chet Krause, he led Numismatic News to be the premier collector-focused coin publication and changed the hobby landscape with innovations such as the “Krause-Mishler” (KM) numbering system for world coins, which remains the cataloging standard used today.
David C. Harper A Champion for Collectors • David C. Harper joined the editorial staff of Numismatic News in 1978 and served faithfully until his retirement in February 2019. In his more than 40 years with the publication, he became a familiar face – and voice – to not only the readership, but also in the wider coin collecting hobby. As he details in the following re-print of the final installment of his blog, The Buzz, he was drawn to the hobby by the voices of everyday collectors. His commitment to fair reporting on news that mattered to collectors and serving up a platform that was truly a weekly conversation with readers shaped Numismatic News into the accessible, collector-focused magazine for which it is so well-known.
The Year 1952 • Back at the Beginning of Numismatic News
Purple Heart Commems See Adjustments
Colorful History of Horsecar Tokens
The Numismatic Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II
Portraits of a Life Well-Lived
British Farthings Small but Fun
Gold’s Performance Worst Since 2015
San Francisco Jefferson was Last for a Time